Every year since Mr. E was born I like to give a little something hand-made from him and now the Little Miss as well. Now that they're older, they actually like to participate in the creating. E tends to lose interest quickly and I have to keep the activities moving, but I'm happy to say I think I've found my lifetime crafting partner in Little Miss; she can sit for a long time and create. On a side note: Today she drew her first person with a crayon. I'll have to scan it and share. Here are some photos of what was created this year.
I cannot seem to figure out how to put the pictures in the correct order without deleting them, so these are a bit out of sequence. My blogging skills are just not there yet; I'm working on it.
I cannot seem to figure out how to put the pictures in the correct order without deleting them, so these are a bit out of sequence. My blogging skills are just not there yet; I'm working on it.
Popsicle stick Christmas trees- This was very quick and easy because I bought the sticks already painted green. The kids assembled and decorated as they wished. We only made a couple of these, but I think we'll make some more next year.
Although it can get messy, the kids love to paint! It's definitely on the top of their crafting preferences.
Painted wooden snowflakes with glitter. For the grandparents we glued this year's Christmas photo in the center. I kept one of these as well :)
The aftermath of the crafting .... As you can see not a soul could be found when it was time to clean up.
The end result of the glittered snowflakes. We sent one of these to each of the kids' birthfamilies as part of their Christmas gift.