And here's a short video of E doing his thing. I was proud of how well he could balance, and with his agility, he was able to pop right back up when he fell. Now he just has to master how to stop without using his bum, but I guess that works well for the time being.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Still no camera and snowboarding
And here's a short video of E doing his thing. I was proud of how well he could balance, and with his agility, he was able to pop right back up when he fell. Now he just has to master how to stop without using his bum, but I guess that works well for the time being.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Lovely Photography
I'm linking up with Heather at Life Made Lovely Mondays.
“The most exciting place to discover talent is in yourself”
-Ashleigh Brilliant
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Feeling Lost
My brother (and his girlfriend) got me one of these for Christmas. I scanned some of my old negatives. I haven't entirely figured out the editing yet, but it's fun looking through the old photos. Here are a few. They look better in black and white....
I can't complain, but sometimes I still do.
~Joe Walsh
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
When I asked her if she wanted to help make banana bread, she ran upstairs to get her hat and apron in the play clothes...very cute!
And Little Miss also enjoyed taking a few photos with my camera. It's always fun to upload the pictures and see what pictures the kids have taken.
Why is it that dolls are always naked? At least it's not a Barbie...
"One today is worth two tomorrows."
-Benjamin Franklin
Monday, February 14, 2011
I started this blog because I thought it would be a fun, creative way to document our lives with our 2 little ones. I am able to post pictures and keep an ongoing journal of the daily happenings. But, this blog is not the whole picture. Our life is full and happy, but far from perfect. My daily routine often consists of whining children (and sometimes adults), diffusing a temper tantrum, constant messes and what seems like mountains of laundry. I do not like to cook and often don't, and most of the time I feel guilty about it (something I need to work on). Sometimes, I'm painfully shy and uncomfortable in social situations and until recently wouldn't order anything from the deli counter. However, I have happy, well-adjusted and healthy children who make my days full and worth waking up every morning. They are kind-hearted, silly, smart kids who constantly make us laugh. I have a husband who laughs with me, stays grounded when I go a little astray and loves me unconditionally, even in spite of my bad cooking.
I then started thinking about myself and how I perceive others through their blogs: "Look how beautiful her house is! What a great wardrobe she has! I wish my pictures would look like that!" I enjoy going through my list of blogs everyday, but, I must admit, sometimes I have a bit of blogger's envy....
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Valentines...last minute.
The hardest part was coming up with the silly sayings for the cards. I know it's hard to believe, but I came up with these all by myself...I can take full credit for the creativity....goofy!
Now, all E has to do is sign them.
“We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”
-Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Friday, February 11, 2011
Super Model?
Little Miss asked me to photograph her, so, yes, this is a posed shot. Really? Why so serious?
...and I almost didn't want to post this one..a little too much for me. When did she become a Super Model?
And in honor of the red & white, a quote about Love.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Some random photos for you today
My Christmas gift from E; it's not so bad. I think the look is growing on me (kinda)
Happy Friday! I have today off, so it's a really happy Friday for me.
"Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them. "
~John Shirley
Here's hoping your weekend doesn't disappear too quickly.