I turned my computer on to upload some pictures and then I found myself reading through some of the past posts on my blog. I'm not really sure what started it, but reading through some of them stirred up all sorts of emotions for me. In a nutshell, I'm so glad I have this outlet to document this wonderful, unique and crazy life I live. I'm grateful to be able to go back and reflect on the many seasons.
Ever since the dreaded Christmas of 2011, December is a rough month for me. I don't even think I realize how hard it is until it arrives and I start to feel slightly out of whack (even more so than usual ;). As time marches on, things are definitely getting easier, but this season certainly still acts as a trigger for some increased anxious moments. It has been three years, but yet the moment is still so clear in my mind. I feel like for the entire month of December, I hold my breath...and then finally after I get through New Year's, I feel like I can take a deep breath and go on with life once again. Honestly, I'm waiting for the day when I have to struggle to remember the feelings of that day, but for right now, they are quite vivid.
But, just to show that I'm not completely paralyzed by the anxiety that enters with the holidays, here are some glimpses of our Christmas.
For me, the original play becomes an historical document: This is where I was when I wrote it, and I have to move on now to something else.