Saturday, April 24, 2010

Before and After (DIY)

Part of the process in trying to become a reformed packrat is to find a use for all the random items in my basement. When my brother and sister-in-law moved quite some time ago (I'm thinking over 6 years), I acquired this lovely print. Although I never liked the print, I figured I could definitely use the frame for something....someday. took me awhile, but I finally repurposed it...

I have so many random photos that I love and have wanted to display, but how many picture frames can you have in your house? Now, I have this huge one by the door that can hold a lot of pictures all at once. The best part about it is I can keep it fresh and new by changing out the pictures.
I'm thinking at Christmas time I will use it for our cards.

1. The first thing I did was spray painted the frame and then sanded the edges for a more vintage look.

2. Next I used a staple gun to staple the fabric to the mat that was around the print.

3. I glued ribbon around the outside edge to cover the staples. I really like the polka dot brown, but I didn't have enough, so I used a complimenting ribbon on the other sides (adds to the vintage look).

4. I measured where I wanted the jute and used a hammer and small nail to make pilot holes to screw in the hooks. (on my frame they are 8 inches apart)

5. I tied the jute and attached the photos with clips.

My idea is not completely my own; it was inspired by this post.

PS Just in case the print is worth some huge amount of money, it is untouched under the fabric.


Patti said...

What an awesome idea, I may have to steal and make something like this for my many photos. It looks great. I remember once when I used to be creative, don't know what happened, I think life got in the way! Haha

Linda said...

Go for it...steal away! Thanks :)