Monday, June 6, 2011

Treasure Jar

If you have kids, and they're anything like mine, then you probably have a pile of trinkets and various little crafty projects they've made for you. My nightstand started getting a bit cluttered with the treasures they like to give me on a daily basis, so I decided to make something to contain them all. I decorated a jar (very simply) and put all the treasures inside. Now I have all the little handmade items in one spot and the jar can sit on my nightstand. Every time I look at it, it makes me smile. Someday it will be especially fun to go through it and see what is inside.

Ideally, I would've used a jar with a bigger opening, but I used what I had and it works just fine.

"The home should be the treasure chest of living."

I'm linking up with Heather


Alyss said...

Cute idea! I may have to try that when my son is a little older. I think plastic spiders may have to replace those flowers though. ;)

Kelly said...

my mom makes tear jars. when my boys would cry over nothing she would get her tear jar which was decorated super cute and catch their tears with it and tell them to make a wish on it. i should post about it one day. the kids would immediately stop crying. i love the treasure jar. great idea.

karen said...

super cute! i love old jars. they make the treasures inside even sweeter :)

Gina said...

I love this idea-that would be fun in an old fashioned big glass candy jar. I'm gonna copy this one, thanks for sharing!

Mommy Minded said...

Precious and I LOVE that quote!


Mommy Minded said...

Precious and I LOVE that quote!


Jami said...

My nightstand is always full of treasures! What a great idea. Thanks for sharing!

PaisleyJade said...

What a wonderful idea! I have many such 'treasures' - thank you for saving my sanity!