We started a tradition last year after reading about it on someone's blog. The Samaritan's Purse has a program called Operation Christmas Child. There are drop-off locations all over the United States where you can drop off a shoe box of gifts to be delivered to a child in need somewhere across the world. The last day for dropping off a shoe box is tomorrow...it's not too late.
Along with the shoe box, we put in a homemade card, courtesy of Little Miss. (She has been writing the letters PKGE on all her drawings lately; I didn't know why until I was uploading this picture. She has told us that her name is now Pinky. The "PKGE" is her name of course!...made me laugh..)
Here's our shoe box before I stuff the cover on and taped it securely closed.
You can print out a tracking code online and see exactly where your box goes.
The finished boxes...stuffed to the gills! They weighed a ton. They are filled with card games, socks, soap, toothbrushes, face cloths, stuffed animals, jump ropes, crayons, clay, paper, craft kits, etc...
Just a little reminder for my kids (and me) that it is important to count our blessings and do for others.
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?"
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