Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Peace, Love, & Joy

Every year I have made our Christmas Cards. Sometimes it's a lot of work, but it's been fun. This year, it was time to let go and explore the option of having them printed somewhere. Being back to work full-time has been bit overwhelming and something had to give. Honestly, it felt so GOOD! I took some photos of the kids, found a card template and ordered them. Now, I wait for them to come in. I am so excited to see them. I used Pinhole Press and used the Peace, Love, and Joy Template; the words seemed to match perfectly for the photos and the font color went with the colors in the photos...too perfect! I even found a discount code online to save $25.00.

Here are the photos I used. (E's t-shirt is a bit on the small side...)
This is actually the only posed picture. All the others (believe it or not) were candids.
& Joy
May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through! ~Author Unknown

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