Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Part of the mania...

Back in November, I spoke of my Manic tendencies.  Although I'm not proud of my occasional mania, I do get some things accomplished when it makes its appearances.

In the recent past, I have not been a fan of the light that sits over our kitchen table.  So, on a trip (in November) to Ikea we bought this beauty for $14.99.  Yes, I know, it's not really all that interesting or beautiful.  However, they had one with fabric that was displayed at the store and it was interesting and I WAS a fan.

So, after going through my fabric stash, this...

Became this...

 I cut the fabric into various sized strips.  I tied some and others I just wrapped around the shade.  After I look at it for a couple weeks and decide whether or not I like how it all looks, I'll probably glue it in a few spots to keep it looking all put together.

Sometimes I get a little manic and you can't stop me. I'm all over the place. I have fun. 
Dom DeLuise 

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