Thursday, August 8, 2013

11:07 PM

That's what time it is on Thursday night as I write this post.  I thought maybe I would have something to say, but I don't...writer's block, a dry spell...who knows.  Hmmmmm, what do I have to talk about?  

Oh how about that I signed up for my first 5k,'s in a week.  Yikes!  Last year I was recovering from my last chemo treatment cleanse and this year I'll be running 3+ miles.  What a difference a year makes!  In case you missed one of my last posts on the subject of running, I am not a runner, I never have been and before the Big C, I never ran a day in my life.  But,  I have to admit (quietly), I think I'm actually starting to like it (a little bit anyway). I will be participating in the Butterfly 5k and my quick willingness to finally sign up for an actual run is that the course is downhill...yay for that.  

So, I think I'll have to get my butt in gear and get some cute running shorts.  If I look good perhaps that will distract from the actual running part.  Well it is now 11:21 and I'm done this babble for the night.  Yes, it took 14 minutes for that.  Thanks for listening.

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