Friday, October 8, 2010

Random Thursday (a date late)

E earned his high green belt this week in Tae Kwan Do. He did really well and his yell, I believe, earned him another A+. He still lacks confidence some of the time, but I think that will come. Tae Kwan Do has been such a great experience for E and the instructors are so great! They are firm, set limits, and work the kids hard, but at the same time, they are kind, caring and oh so patient! It's a perfect combo!

This is a preview to the "stain glass" pumpkin craft I will post later this week. I really will get it posted this time from beginning to end.

I photographed these two gorgeous cousins this past weekend. They were both so great! I'm looking forward to taking pictures of another family this weekend.

Happy Friday Everyone!

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