Monday, April 25, 2011

Copycat Easter

I love the Springtime, and with Easter, there is no better way to celebrate its arrival!

This post is pretty much filled entirely with projects that were inspired by other blogs. I believe I saw this Peeps in the Grass on Heather's Life Made Lovely Monday post a couple of weeks ago, but I can't find it right now. We planted grass seed and watched as the peeps slowly began to hide in the grass; it was a fun project for the kids. As the weather became warmer, the peeps attracted some ants...not so fun.

After seeing, Julie's "Ode to Spray Paint" Post ,
I took a trip to Home Depot.

I loved the yellow of Julie's jars, but for some reason, the yellow wasn't sticking to my jars. I ended up using stickers to spell out the word love and then spray painted green over the yellow. Now, just a glimpse of the yellow shows through. I'm not giving up on the yellow...I'm going to see if using a different kind of spray paint will work. I would definitely recommend the glossy spray paint if you wanted to do this project. I wasn't sure what I would like better, so I tried both. I'm a fan of the glossy.

And, the chicks, also from Heather's blog...found here. This was my favorite...E's rockin chick! (There are some more of our chicks in the previous photos.)

Thank you Blogland (is that one word or two?) for all the inspiration!

I hope you all had a Blessed Easter!

"Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life."

~S.D. Gordon

I'm linking up with Heather today at Life Made Lovely Monday.

Check it out for endless inspiration.


By the way, is anyone else having trouble with their "followers" list on their blog? Mine hasn't shown up for a week. I'm wondering if it's something internal or with blogger.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I've noticed alot of comments where people seem to be having problems with different things when it comes to their blog...maybe blogger is working on something.