Saturday, February 2, 2013

Our Little Man...

Each time I sit to write a post about one of my kids, it goes with saying that, within minutes, tears will well up in my eyes.  It happens when I look for the pictures to post.  Oh my goodness, how is it even possible that 9 years has past since the birth of our Little Boy? Although it's is difficult to remember what life was like before him, it is also a struggle to believe he is turning 9....that is halfway to 18.  I decided I don't even want to think about that right now.  

Take a minute and reminisce with me.

E, you are such a gift and you are the one who finally gave me the title of Momma.

You have taught me some priceless lessons in the first 9 years of your life and I continue to learn from you everyday.  You are smart, sensitive, perceptive, stubborn and spirited and I love all the parts of you more than I could ever possibly express through words.    
 Happy, happy birthday Little Man.  I love you bunches!

The greatest gift is a portion of thyself. 

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