We had our annual fourth of July cook-out again this year. Generally, I'm really ambitious and decorate the yard with flags and organize a project for the kids to do. Not this year. I didn't have the energy to do anything creative. I did manage to get some pictures of the day's events though.
Mom made cupcakes topped with hand-made decorations; she's quite crafty!
E got stung by a bee on the side of his nose and the swelling transformed his sweet face so he looked like a character straight out of Star Wars. Luckily, however, he is NOT allergic. We actually found that out last year when he got stung. Hopefully, he is not making this into a yearly event.
More Slip N' Slide fun; we definitely have gotten our money's worth with this one.
We met this little guy for the first time; is he cute or what?

Happy Birthday America.
May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country!
~Daniel Webster
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