Friday, April 27, 2012


 A Random post means I can't really think of anything with substance to post about so here are several random thoughts and photos that make up a complete post....kinda.

Our yard is covered in dandelions this year.  I don't mind so much, but I'm not sure the husband feels the same.  He probably would not be pleased to know Little Miss was spreading more seeds around.  (sorry honey)
 I put most of my thank you gifts in the mail yesterday.  It's not too late to make a donation and receive a "thank you" from little ole me.  Click here for details.

 My mom and I took the kids to Build A Bear the other day.  E and littlest nephew had never been; it was a fun time for all...complete with Darth Vader and Cinderella dress-up clothes.
 I finished reading this book.  Once I got started, I couldn't put it down.  It was inspiring to say the least.  I'm pretty sure I need to write a post just to reflect on all that it is...
 Do everyone else's children love to swing like my kids?  I love that they are facing each other.

"So much of life, it seems to me, is determined by pure randomness."

1 comment:

amylou said...

awww how cute that you took your little ones to build a bear cant wait to take my 10month old when shes big enought to understand hehe and i adore your pic of them on the swings sooooo cute love your blog i read almost every post my blogs aint half as good as yours