Saturday, August 22, 2015

Slow and steady...

I am currently on day 10 of my second cycle of chemotherapy pills. Overall, I am doing fine. I do have some side effects, but right now, they are what I would call manageable, and manageable we can do.

Last Saturday morning, I went for a brain MRI, primarily to see if there have been results of the whole brain radiation I had months ago. I have felt positive things happening with the left side of my body, so my thoughts for progress have been good. Yesterday, we did receive a telephone call confirming that the "brain MRI looks better". We have no other details, but we will take that. Slow and steady wins the race right? Problem is, I'm not generally a slow and steady person. I like to get it done ASAP.

This job is so hard, and I'm still mourning the loss of my old life, when I had enough energy to do everything I wanted to do without taking a three hour nap, when I could hop in my car and take a ride to Target, when I could drive my kids to get ice cream and when I had an appetite to eat just about anything. I try to remind myself that this part of my job is just the beginning and it is a temporary adjustment period. We are still trying to figure things out and the medicine is working hard right now to attack all those Big C invaders. One day, one minute at a time is really the only way. 

The sailing on this journey is not always smooth, but we're becoming more proficient navigators even in the rough seas.

Thursday we may get more specific information about the brain MRI, but for now, "looks better" is just fine. We will take it. 

Thanks once again for all the thoughts, prayers, and love. It's keeping me afloat for sure.

"Maybe you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be."


Unknown said...

Linda,hoping you get some more news on Thursday but looks better is good! Glad to hear! You and your family are in my prayers everyday

Linda said...

Thanks so much Katie