Thursday, January 5, 2012

Time to Embrace

It's Embrace the Camera day over at Emily's Blog. So we're embracing with another picture from Christmas Eve...this one a bit more realistic of what occurs when attempting to take a photo.

Today we're not only embracing the camera, but we're embracing the moment....
Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee.

This is certainly a tough concept for me, as I like to be in control of the situation at all times. But that's not working for me these days and so I'm forced to do the rejoicing in the present moment. Sometimes I'm not so good at it, but I'm a work in progress.


Wendy said...

Great quote ~ and I agree, a tough one to follow! It is hard to let go of control :) Cute pic ~ looks like how it goes at our house!

Bekah said...

I know the feeling!! Cute picture though!

Hespyhesp said...

So hard to let go of control! I think most of us will always be a work of progress with this one! Love the pic though - her face is priceless!

Anonymous said...

i love this photo -- even if it's not "picture perfect", it's candid and real and i lvoe that ... and i love your daughter's face in the photo!! made my day!!

bird and tree said...

adorable...we have a lot of those moments at my house too! I feel just like you most days...wanting to be in control...the times I do let is so freeing and just works so much better! I am a work in progress right along with you! Visiting from ETC!

Anonymous said...

I love this! It is so perfectly imperfect.. kinda like life!
Be blessed!!